Visualising the invisible — Acoustics

Visualising the invisible — Acoustics
Tony Olsson

Tony Olsson

Acoustics Product Manager

Martin Ottersten

Martin Ottersten

Sound Development Engineer

Tony Olsson

Tony Olsson

Acoustics Product Manager

Martin Ottersten

Martin Ottersten

Sound Development Engineer

Online | Recording

Acoustics constitute an important part of the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in a room, with the ability to impact our health and well-being in both positive and negative ways. Hear Tony Olsson, Product Manager and Martin Ottersten, Product Development, discuss IEQ in general, and how acoustics forms a key part of this.

  • Why acoustics is a cornerstone within indoor environmetal quality (IEQ)?
  • How sound affects our health and well being as well as productivity?
  • Acoustic demands of today and how to interpret them.
  • Research and development looking forward.

This webinar is part of a webinar series that will be curated and hosted by Swegon Air Academy. The webinar is in English.

Watch the webinar

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